
This topic explains what the LogonInfo object is and how to create- and use it in the Integration Framework. Every method in the Integration Framework requires a LogonInfo to be sent as the first parameter. This object contains the required information to create a connection with the service.

Creating the LogonInfo

The following example shows the recommended method for creating a new LogonInfo object.

	private LogonInfo CreateLogonInfo(IConnectionManager entry)
		byte[] result;
		long tick = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
		using (HMACSHA256 hmac = new HMACSHA256(GetBytes(PrivateHashKey)))
			result = hmac.ComputeHash(GetBytes(PassCode + tick));
		DateTime serverUTCDate = server.GetServerUTCDate();

		if (serverUTCDate > DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(2) || serverUTCDate < DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(2))
			throw new Exception(Resources.ClientTimeNotSynchronized);
		LogonInfo logonInfo = new LogonInfo
			UserID = entry.CurrentUser.ID,
			storeId = (string) entry.CurrentStoreID,
			StaffID = entry.CurrentStaffID == RecordIdentifier.Empty ? "" : (string) entry.CurrentStaffID,
			terminalId = entry.CurrentTerminalID == RecordIdentifier.Empty ? "" : (string) entry.CurrentTerminalID,
			Settings = ((User)entry.CurrentUser).Profile.Settings,
			ClientID =  ClientID,
			Hash = result,
			Ticks = tick

		return logonInfo;
	private byte[] GetBytes(string str)
		byte[] bytes = new byte[str.Length * sizeof(char)];
		System.Buffer.BlockCopy(str.ToCharArray(), 0, bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
		return bytes;

For the method to work you will need to set two constants, namely PrivateHashKey and PassCode, and a generate a GUID as the ClientID.

The PrivateHashKey can be found and set in the configuration file. The PassCode is a password used to validate the credentials in a cloud environment.

Creating the IConnectionManager

If you do not have access to an IConnectionManager object, you can create one following this example.

	using LSOne.DataLayer.GenericConnector;
	private IConnectionManager dataModel;
	void LoadConnection()
		dataModel = ConnectionManagerFactory.CreateConnectionManager();                    
		LoginResult result = dataModel.Login(
		if(result == LoginResult.Success)
			//Created connection manager		

The parameters used for the login are described in the configuration file.