Retail Division API

This topic describes the retail divison APIs for the Integration Framework.


Name Description
void Delete(LogonInfo, RecordIdentifier)

Delete a retail division.


  • logonInfo: Login information for the database
  • retailDivisionID: The ID of the retail division to delete
void Get(LogonInfo, RecordIdentifier)

Get a retail division.


  • logonInfo: Login information for the database
  • retailDivisionID: The ID of the retail division to get
void Save(LogonInfo, RetailDivision)

Save a retail division.


  • logonInfo: Login information for the database
  • retailDivision: The retail division to save
RetailDivisionSaveResult SaveList(LogonInfo, List<RetailDivision>)

Save multiple retail divisions.


  • logonInfo: Login information for the database
  • retailDivisions: The retail divisions to save


Business objects

The following business objects are used by the retail division API.



To update retail divisions you must use the optimized update feature.

Updating a retail division

	RetailDivision division = wcfRetailDivisionService.Get(CreateLogonInfo(dataModel), "0000001");
	division.Text += "-Updated";

	((IOptimizedUpdate) division).CloneUpdateListToTransportList();
	wcfRetailDivisionService.Save(CreateLogonInfo(dataModel), division);

In the above example, firstly we get an existing retail division through the Integration Framework, update it, then we clone the update list using the optimized update functionality. After we update all properties accordingly we save the retail division through the Integration Framework.

Deleting a retail division

	wcfRetailDivisionService.Delete(CreateLogonInfo(dataModel), "0000001");

See also