Transaction API

This topic describes the transaction APIs for the Integration Framework.


Name Description
IFRetailTransaction GetSaleTransaction(LogonInfo, RecordIdentifier, RecordIdentifier, RecordIdentifier)

Get a retail transaction.


  • logonInfo: Login information for the database
  • transactionID: The ID of the transaction to get
  • storeID: The store the transaction was concluded in
  • terminalID: The terminal the transaction was concluded on

List<IFRetailTransaction> GetSaleTransactionListForDatePeriod(LogonInfo, Date, Date, string)

Get a list of retail transactions for a specific date period.


  • logonInfo: Login information for the database
  • startDateTime: The starting date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • endDateTime: The end date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • storeID: The store the transactions were concluded in (optional)

List<IFRetailTransaction> GetSaleTransactionListForCustomerAndDatePeriodExcludingDefaultCustomers(LogonInfo, RecordIdentifier, Date, Date, string);

Get a list of retail transactions for a specific customer, excluding default customers.


  • logonInfo: Login information for the database
  • customerID: The ID of the customer selected for the transactions
  • startDateTime: The starting date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • storeID: The store the transactions were concluded in (optional)
  • endDateTime: The end date and time for the search criteria (optional)
List<IFRetailTransaction> GetSaleTransactionListForDefaultCustomersAndDatePeriod(LogonInfo, Date, Date, string)

Get a list of retail transactions for a specific period and default customers.


  • logonInfo: Login information for the database
  • startDateTime: The starting date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • endDateTime: The end date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • storeID: The store the transactions were concluded in (optional)
IFRetailTransaction GetSaleTransactionSumForDatePeriod(LogonInfo, Date, Date, string)

Get a retail transaction which is the sum of a list of retail transactions for a specific period.


  • logonInfo: Login information for the database
  • startDateTime: The starting date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • endDateTime: The end date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • storeID: The store the transactions were concluded in (optional)
IFRetailTransaction GetSaleTransactionSumForDateAndDefaultCustomers(LogonInfo, Date, Date, string)

Get a retail transaction which is the sum of a list of retail transactions for a specific period and default customers.


  • logonInfo: Login information for the database
  • startDateTime: The starting date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • endDateTime: The end date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • storeID: The store the transactions were concluded in (optional)
List<IFRetailTransaction> GetSaleTransactionsFromReplicationCount(LogonInfo, int)

Get a list of retail transactions from a specific replication count.


  • logonInfo: Login information for the database
  • replicationFrom: The replication counter for the search criteria

List<IFRetailTransaction> GetRemoveTenderTransactions(LogonInfo, Date, Date, string, string)

Get a list of retail transactions of type remove tender.


  • logonInfo: Login information for the database
  • startDateTime: The starting date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • endDateTime: The end date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • storeID: The store the transactions were concluded in (optional)
  • statementID: The statement id of the transaction (optional)

List<IFRetailTransaction> GetFloatEntryTransactions(LogonInfo, Date, Date, string, string)

Get a list of retail transactions of type float entry.


  • logonInfo: Login information for the database
  • startDateTime: The starting date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • endDateTime: The end date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • storeID: The store the transactions were concluded in (optional)
  • statementID: The statement id of the transaction (optional)

List<IFRetailTransaction> GetTenderDeclarationTransactions(LogonInfo, Date, Date, string, string)

Get a list of retail transactions of type tender declaration.


  • logonInfo: Login information for the database
  • startDateTime: The starting date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • endDateTime: The end date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • storeID: The store the transactions were concluded in (optional)
  • statementID: The statement id of the transaction (optional)

List<IFRetailTransaction> GetOpenDrawerTransactions(LogonInfo, Date, Date, string, string)

Get a list of retail transactions of type open drawer.


  • logonInfo: Login information for the database
  • startDateTime: The starting date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • endDateTime: The end date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • storeID: The store the transactions were concluded in (optional)
  • statementID: The statement id of the transaction (optional)

List<IFRetailTransaction> GetEndOfDayTransactions(LogonInfo, Date, Date, string, string)

Get a list of retail transactions of type end of day.


  • logonInfo: Login information for the database
  • startDateTime: The starting date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • endDateTime: The end date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • storeID: The store the transactions were concluded in (optional)
  • statementID: The statement id of the transaction (optional)

List<IFRetailTransaction> GetEndOfShiftTransactions(LogonInfo, Date, Date, string, string)

Get a list of retail transactions of type end of shift.


  • logonInfo: Login information for the database
  • startDateTime: The starting date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • endDateTime: The end date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • storeID: The store the transactions were concluded in (optional)
  • statementID: The statement id of the transaction (optional)

List<IFRetailTransaction> GetBankDropTransactions(LogonInfo, Date, Date, string, string)

Get a list of retail transactions of type bank drop.


  • logonInfo: Login information for the database
  • startDateTime: The starting date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • endDateTime: The end date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • storeID: The store the transactions were concluded in (optional)
  • statementID: The statement id of the transaction (optional)

List<IFRetailTransaction> GetBankDropReversalTransactions(LogonInfo, Date, Date, string, string)

Get a list of retail transactions of type bank drop reversal.


  • logonInfo: Login information for the database
  • startDateTime: The starting date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • endDateTime: The end date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • storeID: The store the transactions were concluded in (optional)
  • statementID: The statement id of the transaction (optional)

List<IFRetailTransaction> GetSafeDropTransactions(LogonInfo, Date, Date, string, string)

Get a list of retail transactions of type safe drop.


  • logonInfo: Login information for the database
  • startDateTime: The starting date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • endDateTime: The end date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • storeID: The store the transactions were concluded in (optional)
  • statementID: The statement id of the transaction (optional)

List<IFRetailTransaction> GetSafeDropReversalTransactions(LogonInfo, Date, Date, string, string)

Get a list of retail transactions of type safe drop reversal.


  • logonInfo: Login information for the database
  • startDateTime: The starting date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • endDateTime: The end date and time for the search criteria (optional)
  • storeID: The store the transactions were concluded in (optional)
  • statementID: The statement id of the transaction (optional)


Business objects

The following business objects are used by the transaction API.



Getting transactions

Date is a DateTime wrapper that can be used directly in databases without causing problems with database smalldatetime variables. The Date class is defined in LSOne.Utilities.

		List<IFRetailTransaction> transactions = wcfTransactionsService.GetTenderDeclarationTransactions(CreateLogonInfo(dataModel),  
														new Date(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1)), new Date(DateTime.Now));
		foreach(IFRetailTransaction tr in transactions)
			//Do something

In the above example we are getting all transactions of type tender declaration, from all stores, that were created from one month ago until now.

		IFRetailTransaction transactionSum = wcfTransactionService.GetSaleTransactionSumForDatePeriod(CreateLogonInfo(dataModel), 
												new Date(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1)), new Date(DateTime.Now));        
		if (transactionSum != null)	
			//Do something 

In the above example we are getting a transaction representing the sum of all transactions starting from one month ago until now.


See also