LS One Install for SAP Business One

At the head office level, you need to install the Site Manager and the LS One Site Service. LS One operates on an SQL database so you will need an SQL server installed. Even though the terminals and stores can operate on SQL Express database servers it is recommended to have a full-blown SQL Server at the head office level so you will not run into database size limitations. For testing purposes SQL Server Express is sufficient.

The LS One head office can be run on the same machine as the SAP Business One or on separate machines that can communicate over network.

Make sure that the machine running your LS One environment has the correct regional settings for how . and , are used in number formats. This setting needs to match the setup of SAP Business One use of . and ,.


  1. Install the Site Service by following Site Service installation guide chapter 2. The configuration of the Site Service will be done later in this guide.
  2. Follow the Site Manager installation guide chapter 2 to install the Site Manager you can also use the Site Manager to set up a SQL Express server if needed (how to do this is described in chapter 4 in the installation guide).


Install the Data Director.

Next topic: Data Director install