The Data Director jobs

In the data package that comes with the SAP Business One Integration Package there exists some Data Director jobs. These jobs are pre-configured to run specific jobs from the SAP Business One Connector (the Data Director plugin).

These are the following jobs:

All these jobs trigger a specific set of scenarios from the LS One scenario package in the SAP Business One integration framework. Click on the jobs above to see more information about them.

Job Parameters

Parameter name Description

The operation has been selected for you in the job setup. The following operations are available:

  • SyncData
  • SyncCurrencies
  • SyncCustomers
  • SyncItems
  • SyncItemsImages
  • SyncPrices
  • SyncTaxData
» ServerName The host name of the SQL Server your LS One head office database is running on.
» DatabaseName The name of your LS One head office database
» DatabaseUser

A database user name such as: sa

All LS One databases have a database user called DataDir

» DatabasePassword The password of the database user. If you use the DataDir user the password is: DataDir.2008
» UserName This is the name of the LS One user. This user should have administrative permissions. You can for an example use the initial user: admin
» UserPassword The password of the LS One user use selected to use.
» DataAreaId Use the LSR DataAreaId.

The number of records in each batch of data sent from SAP Business One.

Default: 500


Optional. If this parameter is not set the default connection type will be used to connect to the SQL server. Add this parameter to change the connection type from the default to any of the following:

  • TCP/IP
  • Named pipes
  • Shared memory

Default: Shared memory


Only used for the jobs SyncData and SyncItems. If this parameter is set to:

  • true – Existing barcodes are deleted from database before retrieving the barcodes from SAP Business One
  • false – Use this value to gain significant speed when importing the barcodes. Please note that, with this option, in case a barcode is removed from SAP Business One, it is not removed from LS One, which may results in discrepancies between SAP Business One and LS One data.

Only used for the jobs SyncData and SyncItems. If this parameter is set to:

  • true – Existing unit conversions are deleted from database before retrieving the unit conversions from SAP Business One
  • false – Use this value to gain significant speed when importing the unit conversions. Please note that, with this option, in case a unit conversion is removed from SAP Business One, it is not removed from LS One, which may results in discrepancies between SAP Business One and LS One data.

Can be used in any sync job to override the global Delta sync setting. If this parameter is set to:

  • true - Only modified data from the last time the sync job run will be synced

  • false - Full sync will be performed



Only used for the Post transaction to SAP Business One job and overrides the global Document return document format setting.

If this parameter is set to:

  • 0 – CreditNotes documents will be posted for all returns
  • 1 – Negative invoice documents will be posted for all returns.

Default: 0 (Credit Notes)


Only used for the Post transactions to SAP Business One job and overrides the global Document decimal separator setting.

This parameter defines which decimal separator is used in all numbers sent to the SAP B1if.

It is normally set to . but could be changed to a , if required.

Default: . (dot)


Only used for the Post transactions to SAP Business One job and overrides the global Document date format setting.

This parameter defines the date format to be used when sending dates to SAP Business One.

Default: yyyyMMdd


Only used for the Post transactions to SAP Business One and defines the number of times a failed transaction will be reposted.

Default: 5


Only used for the Archive SAP Business One transactions job to archive the successfully posted transactions from POSTEDTRANSACTIONS table.

If this parameter is set to:

  • 0 - All will be archived

  • 1 - All till last week will be archived

  • 2 - All till last month will be archived

  • 3 - All till last year will be archived

Default: 0


Only used for the Archive SAP Business One transactions job to select failed to be posted transactions that already reached this number of posting retries.

Default: 3

The parameters written in bold are the parameters you will always need to configure for your setup. Other parameters are either not mandatory or already configured for you in the data package.

Plugin name

When the LS One to SAP Business One Integration Package is installed a the SAP Business One Connector is installed as a plugin to the Data Director. Each of the replication job that exist in the data run an External command and the name of the plugin is: LSOne.DDPlugin.SAPBusinessOne.DLL