Open source plugins

The following plugins are all open source in the Site Manager and are included in the development pack. Each plugin is responsible for a part of the functionality in the Site Manager.

Plugin Function
Administration is an umbrella plugin for the various settings in the site manager such as decimal points an localizations
  • this plugin provides functionality to create backups on the database. Adds functionality to the retail item plugin
  • BarCodes this plugin handles creating and assigning barcodes and barcode masks
  • Offers functionality to set up susepension types and view suspended transactions. Adds functionality to the store and terminal plugins
  • CreditVouchers Shows issued credit vouchers and usage
    Customer Allows the user to manage users and related entities such as customer addresses and customer groups
    CustomerContacts Allows management of additional contacts for customers. Adds functionality to the customer plugin
    CustomerLedger Shows financial transactions for customers. Adds functionality to the customer plugin
  • Allows management and setup of loyalty programs for customers. Also shows loyalty transactions. Adds functionality to the customer plugin
  • CustomerOrders
  • Allows setup and overview of the customer order functionality. Adds functionality to the customer plugin
  • EndOfDay
  • Configuring, reviewing and creating of end of day statements for the retail operation. Adds functionality to the store and terminal plugins
  • ExcelFiles
  • Allow importing and exporting data through excel files
  • Forms Allows maintenance of printable forms available on the POS
    GiftCards Allows configuring and issueing gift cards
    Hospitality Sets up the hospitality operation and environment
    Infocodes Allows configuring and assigning infocodes. Adds functionality to other plugins such as retail item and store
    Inventory Allows managing inventory, stock counting, purchase orders, goods recieving and inventory adjustments. . Adds functionality to the retail item plugin
  • Allows printing labels and barcodes
  • LookupValues Maintains various simple entities used in the retail operation. It is a kind of collection plugin for various functionality such as Units, Currency and card types.
    LS Commerce Settings for the LS Commerce server
    PeriodicDiscounts Configure and assign discounts for the retail operation. Adds functionality to other plugins such as customer and retail item
  • Manage settings for the POS users. Adds functionality to the sealed plugin users
  • Profiles Handles setting up the various profiles that control how the retail operation is run. Such as hardware and functionality.
    ReceiptBrowser Allows the user to view completed transactions
    Replenishment Handles purchase templates and configures reorder points
    ReportViewer Allows maintaining and viewing reports. Adds functionality to the retail item plugin
    RetailItems Maintains the retail item hierarchy. Retail items, retail groups, retail departments, retail divisions and special groups
    SaleByPaymentMediaReport Obsolete
  • Maintains sales tax levels and assigns to the item hierarchy. Adds functionality to the retail item plugin
  • SerialNumbers Maintains item specific serial numbers
    SiteService Configures the Site Service connection.
    Store Sets up the store location for the retail operation. Such as allowed tenders, languages and company info. Also assigns profiles to the whole store
    TaxRefund Maintains tax refund availability and ranges. Depending on amounts
    Terminals Sets up the available terminals with the required information, including profiles used
    Touchbuttons Manages the layout of the button grid for the POS
    TradeAgreements Maintains special discount groups. Adds functionality to the customer and retail items plugins
    USConfigurations US specific settings. Adds functionality to the store plugin
    UserInterfaceStyles Manages the styles for the POS user interface
  • Maintains item dimension and specific variant combinations. Adds functionality to the retail item plugin
  • XtraReportsViewer Allows viewing Dev express reports used to see the receipts in the Site Manager.


    Now learn how to create a plugin: How to add a plugin