Key Concepts Overview
For LS One to connect to an ERP system it needs a plugin partner implementation that connects the ERP system mapping to the LS One database. The Integration Framework is a WCF service that connects directly to the ERP entry point and to the LS One database.
Information that can be retrieved or pushed to the ERP system includes:
- Items
- Item hierarchy
- Customers
- Sales information
- End of day statements
- Cash management information
- Inventory
Any data that can be saved or retrieved through Site Service can be redirected to a an ERP system. The functions in Site Service are virtual and can be overwritten.
Any data that is available through Integration Framework can be saved to or retrieved from LS One database either in real time or through scheduling.
- This is possible if there is an interface for the data.
- All interfaces in the Integration Framework include the Get, Save, Delete methods.
The work flow of the information starts from the ERP system, goes to the Integration Framework, and from there to the LS One database in the Head Office. From the Head Office the information gets replicated to the other stores and terminals. This work flow is bidirectional, meaning that information from stores, terminals gets to the Head Office and from there to the Integration Framework and finally to the ERP system.
Key concepts
Real time vs. scheduled replication
Retrieving and pushing data through the integration framework can be made in real time or it can be scheduled using a data director plugin.
Optimized saving
Saving data through the integration framework makes use of the OptimizedUpdateDataEntity which allows you to save data more easily by populating only the fields that you want to update. For more information see the optimized saving chapter.
Site service integration
In addition to the Integration Framework, it is possible to overwrite functionality in the Site Service.