LS One Scenario Package for SAP Business One HANA

Import the LS One Scenario Package into the SAP Business One client. You can find the LS One HANA Model Package included in the LS One to SAP Business One Integration Package zip file.

To import the scenario package, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the SAP Business One Client
  2. Open the menu by clicking the button in the top left corner:
  3. Go to Administration > Setup > General > SAP HANA Model Management.
  4. Click Import and select the file in the file explorer:
  5. Select the LS One scenario package in the model overview at the top.
  6. Place check-marks in the Expose Service Layer column next to every scenario in the package:

  7. Finally, press the Deploy button. This can take a minute.
  8. Now you should see 'Deployed' next to the LS One scenario package in the Status column in the model overview at the top:


Next you need to do some configurations to allow image sharing between SAP Business One HANA and LS One

Next topic: Image sync setup