Lesson 3 - Plugins

In this lesson we will take a closer look at how to create a plugin and how to to add them to the navigation.

Learn about the plugins in some more detail

Read all about the plugins by reading this topic: Plugins

Familiarize yourself with the existing plugins: Open source plugins


Create your own plugin


Your task is to create a new plugin. Do this by copying the Hello world plugin to your solution.

Follow these steps:


You should be able to build your solution and run the Site Manager. There is no visible trace of the Hello world plugin in your Site Manager yet.


Add to ribbon

Given that you have already gone through the LS One functional training you are probably familiar with the navigation of the system. But if you want to refresh your memory and to learn what we call the different possibilities in code. Read this topic about the Navigation


Add a new tab to the Ribbon which has a ribbon category and a ribbon button (category item) that opens the HelloWorldView.


You should see a new tab in your Site Manager ribbon navigation. This tab should include a category and a button.

Add your operation to the search functionality

You can add your views and dialogs to be searchable in the Site Manager. In the Site Manager test searching for "customer" for and example. You will find all operations that include the word customer.


Add the HelloWorldview, that you just added to the ribbon, to the operation search. You should be able to search for hello or world or both and the operation comes up.

Here is how:


Now you can open the operation search and write "hello" and your operation will show up and you can navigate to your view.


Before we can start creating UI with text fields and settings we need to know how to get data and save new or modified data to the database.

Lesson 3 is now done and now you can go on to: Lesson 4 - Data access